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Reseach Article

An Observational Analysis of Genetic Operators

by T. Geetha, K. Muthu Kumaran
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 63 - Number 18
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: T. Geetha, K. Muthu Kumaran

T. Geetha, K. Muthu Kumaran . An Observational Analysis of Genetic Operators. International Journal of Computer Applications. 63, 18 ( February 2013), 24-34. DOI=10.5120/10567-5583

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Genetic algorithm is a search heuristic that mimics the natural process of evolution and it generates solution to a very complex NP-Hard problems. Genetic algorithm belongs to the class of evolutionary algorithms (EA) and it generates solution by using nature inspired techniques like selection, crossover and mutation. The performance of the genetic algorithm is mainly depends on the genetic operators. Genetic operators have the capability to maintain the genetic diversity. This paper mainly describes the available selection mechanisms as well as the crossover and the mutation operators.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Genetic algorithm Selection mechanism Crossover Mutation