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Total Service Quality Measurement in Technical Education System – A Case Study of Deemed University

by Ajay Kumar Behera, Harish C. Das, Narayan C. Nayak
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 63 - Number 15
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Ajay Kumar Behera, Harish C. Das, Narayan C. Nayak

Ajay Kumar Behera, Harish C. Das, Narayan C. Nayak . Total Service Quality Measurement in Technical Education System – A Case Study of Deemed University. International Journal of Computer Applications. 63, 15 ( February 2013), 1-7. DOI=10.5120/10539-3940

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The purpose of this paper was to investigate expectations of students' perceptions of service quality and students' satisfaction, using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The service quality model (SERVQUAL) was used in a higher education setting in XYZ University by determining the difference in opinion existed in students' expectations versus their actual experiences. The study examined the relationships within four schools of XYZ University. The researcher tested the relationships between gap score, overall service quality and overall satisfaction. Six in - depth interviews were undertaken and 126 students were surveyed online as part of this research. Expectations of students were related to six factors, such as, physical evidence, contact personnel, reputation, facility/entertainment offer, curriculum and special services. Assurance, knowledgeable, responsive, on time delivering, error free record keeping and caring are the other factors students expected from the University. The widest gap between students' perceived performance and expectations was in the area of reliability. University is not doing fare with regard to its physical facilities, helping students, providing prompt service and understanding students' specific needs. Most students' expectations were only just met. Service quality is more or less similar across the four schools of the University. There are significant relationships across the service gap scores, overall service quality and overall satisfaction. The increased level of service quality and satisfaction has a correlation with the gap scores. In other words, mismatch between student expectation and perceived level of service quality received has an impact upon overall service quality and student satisfaction.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


service quality supply chain gap score expectation satisfaction relationship