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Forensic Analysis Algorithm: By using the Tiled Bitmap with Audit Log Mechanism

by Piyush P. Gawali
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 63 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Piyush P. Gawali

Piyush P. Gawali . Forensic Analysis Algorithm: By using the Tiled Bitmap with Audit Log Mechanism. International Journal of Computer Applications. 63, 11 ( February 2013), 36-42. DOI=10.5120/10513-5483

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The set of policies and the group of people need to access the valuable database by the authorized inter mediator, still the organizational employee also go through the authorized inter mediator. Cryptographic hashing is one of the best approach and work as a inter mediator. This paper show how to resolve when tampering arises in Database, what data was tampered and the identification of the person to tamper the data. These things are detected by using the forensic analysis. This paper presents a new forensic analysis algorithm, the tiled bitmap algorithm, which is more capable then the previous algorithm. It introduces the concept of a candidate set (all possible place of detected tampering(s)) and gives a full classification of the candidate set and its cardinality and prevent the intruder, the computing of the candidate set is also presented. There are certain cases happened in BANK and other sector where the data has been tamper by the assessor, outsider or by the employees of the organizations. The separate audit logs validate to observe and inspect the database along with the extra information and state of the data. Audit log play a central role in database. The space and time complexity is less in this forensic analysis algorithm.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Compliant Record Tiled Bitmap Algorithm database tampering Forensic cost Database Management integrity and protection Validator candidate set audited table MD5