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Fuzzy Expert Systems (FES) for Medical Diagnosis

by Smita Sushil Sikchi, Sushil Sikchi, Ali M. S.
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 63 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Smita Sushil Sikchi, Sushil Sikchi, Ali M. S.

Smita Sushil Sikchi, Sushil Sikchi, Ali M. S. . Fuzzy Expert Systems (FES) for Medical Diagnosis. International Journal of Computer Applications. 63, 11 ( February 2013), 7-16. DOI=10.5120/10508-5466

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Fuzzy logic has proved to be the remarkable tool for building intelligent decision making systems based on the expert's knowledge and observations. This paper reviews the trend in development of FES and application potential over past two and half decades in the medical field, based on the references of 173 articles from 124 journals, several proceedings and web media. In order to investigate the significance of FES for medical diagnosis, the articles are classified into five distinct categories: Reviews and Surveys on Fuzzy Expert Systems in Medical Diagnosis, Applications of Fuzzy Expert Systems in Medical Diagnosis, Methodologies and Modelling of Fuzzy Expert Systems, Neuro-Fuzzy Approaches, Fuzzy Expert System Shells and Frameworks. The development of disease specific applications using FES is observed to be the area of most significant interest of the researchers. The earlier contributions are reviewed, classified, analyzed and suggested the future scope.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Fuzzy expert systems Medical diagnosis Neuro-fuzzy systems Fuzzy shells Fuzzy frameworks