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Tree-based Indexing for DHT-based P2P Systems

by Yi Yi Mar, Aung Htein Maw, Khine Moe Nwe
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 62 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Yi Yi Mar, Aung Htein Maw, Khine Moe Nwe

Yi Yi Mar, Aung Htein Maw, Khine Moe Nwe . Tree-based Indexing for DHT-based P2P Systems. International Journal of Computer Applications. 62, 12 ( January 2013), 27-33. DOI=10.5120/10133-4923

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Nowadays, DHT-based P2P technology is used as a basis in many wide spread applications because of its scalability, robustness, and load balance. Many applications, including file sharing, communication and live video streaming are in a large distributed network environment. For an efficient and effective search in large data repositories, complex query processing becomes a major issue for DHT. Towards the goal of supporting complex queries in DHT-based P2P systems, this paper focuses on the usage of k-dimensional tree to build a tree-based index. The proposed index is built without modifying the structure of the overlay network. In this paper, the load balancing among peers is also considered according to the usage of kd-tree. Therefore the performance of kd-tree is studied and show that how it can affect the proposed index over P2P network. In this paper, PlanetSim simulator is used to implement the proposed index and evaluate the performance of the index by using various metrics.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Indexing over DHT DHT-based indexing system Query processing over DHT Indexing in structured P2P systems