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A Survey on Optimization Algorithms for Optimizing the Numerical Functions

by Ginnu George, Kumudha Raimond
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 61 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Ginnu George, Kumudha Raimond

Ginnu George, Kumudha Raimond . A Survey on Optimization Algorithms for Optimizing the Numerical Functions. International Journal of Computer Applications. 61, 6 ( January 2013), 41-46. DOI=10.5120/9935-4570

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Till now many optimization algorithms are available for solving complex problems. The algorithm that has created an impact is the numerical function optimization. Some of the existing optimization algorithms are classified into evolutionary computing and metaheuristic methods. A comprehensive survey on numerical function optimization is presented below with a deeper view into different aspects of the algorithms.

  1. D. Karaboga, B. Basturk "On the performance of artificial bee colony algorithm", Applied Soft Computing, vol. 8, pp. 687–697, June. 2008.
  2. W. Zhao, W. Wang, Y. Wang "A novel evolutionary algorithm for global numerical optimization with continuous variables", Applied Soft Computing, vol. 18, pp. 345–351, Nov. 2008.
  3. E. Rashedi, H. Nezamabadi-pour, S. Saryazdi "GSA: a gravitational search algorithm", Information Sciences, vol. 179, pp. 2232–2248, Mar. 2009.
  4. D. Karaboga, B. Akay "A comparative study of Artificial Bee Colony algorithm", Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 14, pp. 108–132, Sept. 2009.
  5. P. Tsai, J. S. Pan. et. al "Enhanced Artificial Bee Colony Optimization", Innovative Computing, vol. 5, pp. 1349-4198, Aug. 2009.
  6. R. Akbari, A. Mohammadi, K. Ziarati "A novel bee swarm optimization algorithm for numerical function optimization", Communications in Nonlinear Science and Number Simulation, vol. 15, pp. 3142–3155,Nov. 2010.
  7. W. Zou, Y. Zhu, H. Chen and X . Sui "A Clustering Approach Using Cooperative Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm", Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 10, pp. 1-16, Oct. 2010.
  8. G. Zhu, S. Kwong "Gbest-guided artificial bee colony algorithm for numerical function optimization", Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 217, pp. 3166–3173, Sept. 2010.
  9. L. Ozbakir, A. Baykasoglu, P. Tapkan " Bees algorithm for generalized assignment Problem", Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 215 , pp. 3782–3795,Dec. 2010.
  10. J. G. Yang, Y. B. Zhuang "An improved ant colony optimization algorithm for solving a complex combinatorial optimization problem", Applied Soft Computing, vol. 10, pp. 653–660, Oct. 2010.
  11. I . G. Tsoulos, A. Stavrakoudis "Enhancing PSO methods for global optimization", Applied Mathematics and Computation,vol. 216 , pp. 2988–3001, May. 2010.
  12. H. Modares, A. Alfi, M. -M. Fateh "Parameter identification of chaotic dynamic systems through an improved particle swarm optimization", Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 37, pp. 3714–3720, Aug. 2010.
  13. R. Venkata Rao, P. J. Pawar, "Parameter optimization of a multi-pass milling process using non-traditional optimization algorithms", Applied Soft Computing, vol. 10, pp. 445–456,Aug. 2010.
  14. D. Karaboga, B. Akay "A modified Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm for constrained optimization problems", Applied Soft Computing, vol. 11, pp. 3021–3031, Dec. 2011.
  15. A. Banharnsakun, T. Achalakul, B. Sirinaovakul "The best-so-far selection in Artificial Bee Colony algorithm", Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 11, pp. 2888–2901, Dec. 2011.
  16. D. Karaboga, C. Ozturk "A novel clustering approach: Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithm", Applied Soft Computing, vol. 11, pp. 652–657, Dec. 2011.
  17. W. Gao, S. Liu "Improved artificial bee colony algorithm for global optimization", Information Processing, Vol. 111, pp. 871–882, Jun. 2011.
  18. K. Ziarati, R. Akbari, V. Zeighami "On the performance of bee algorithms for resource-constrained project scheduling problem", Applied Soft Computing, vol. 11, pp. 3720–3733, Mar. 2011.
  19. T. Dereli, G. S. Das, "A hybrid bee(s) algorithm for solving container loading Problems", Applied Soft Computing, vol. 11, pp. 2854–2862, Dec. 2011.
  20. M. AliShafia, M. Rahimi, R. Tavakolian "A Hybrid Algorithm for Data Clustering Using Honey Bee Algorithm,Genetic Algorithm and K-Means Method", Computer Science and Technology Research, vol. 1, pp. 110-125, Dec. 2011.
  21. M. Sonmez,"Artificial Bee Colony algorithm for optimization of truss structures", Applied Soft Computing, vol. 11, pp. 2406–2418, May. 2011.
  22. L. Chuan Lien, M. Yuan Cheng, "A hybrid swarm intelligence based particle-bee algorithm for construction site layout optimization", Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 39, pp. 9642–9650, Dec. 2012.
  23. B. Akay, D. Karaboga "A modified Artificial Bee Colony algorithm for real parameter Optimization", Information Sciences,vol. 192, pp. 120–142 , July. 2012.
  24. Ajith Abraham, Ravi Kumar Jatoth, A. Rajasekhar "Hybrid Differential Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm", Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience ,vol. 9, pp. 1–9,Dec. 2012.
  25. X . Yan , Y. Zhu , W. G. Zou , L. Wang "A new approach for data clustering using hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm", Neurocomputing, vol. 11, pp. 1-10, Apr. 2012.
  26. G. Li, P. Niu, X. Xiao, "Development and Investigation of Efficient Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Numerical Function Optimization," Applied Soft Computing, vol. 12, pp. 320–332, Aug. 2011.
  27. L. Wang and L. Zhang, "Stochastic Optimization using Simulated Annealing with hypothesis test,"Applied Mathematics and computation, vol. 174, pp. 1329-1342, Jun. 2006.
  28. M. Sebag and M. Schoenauer, " A Society of Hill Climbers," Applied Soft Computing, vol. 9, pp. 1-6,Sep. 2009.
  29. D. Liu, "Improved Genetic Algorithm Based on Simulated Annealing and Quantum Computing Strategy," vol. 11, pp. 1243-1249, Nov. 2010.
  30. D. Alkamin and F. Varejao,"Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Applied to the Clustering Problem," vol. 33, pp. 141-151, Jan. 2012.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Evolutionary Computing Metaheuristic methods