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Robust Digital Watermarking for Compressed 3D Models based on Polygonal Representation

by Samir Abou El-seoud, Nadine Abu Rumman, Islam A. T. F. Taj-eddin, Khalaf F. Khatatneh, Christain Gutl
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 61 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Samir Abou El-seoud, Nadine Abu Rumman, Islam A. T. F. Taj-eddin, Khalaf F. Khatatneh, Christain Gutl

Samir Abou El-seoud, Nadine Abu Rumman, Islam A. T. F. Taj-eddin, Khalaf F. Khatatneh, Christain Gutl . Robust Digital Watermarking for Compressed 3D Models based on Polygonal Representation. International Journal of Computer Applications. 61, 4 ( January 2013), 1-14. DOI=10.5120/9913-3909

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%A Nadine Abu Rumman
%A Islam A. T. F. Taj-eddin
%A Khalaf F. Khatatneh
%A Christain Gutl
%T Robust Digital Watermarking for Compressed 3D Models based on Polygonal Representation
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Multimedia has recently played an increasingly important role in various domains, including Web applications, movies, video game and medical visualization. The rapid growth of digital media data over the Internet, on the other hand, makes it easy for anyone to access, copy, edit and distribute digital contents such as electronic documents, images, sounds and videos. Motivated by this, much research work has been dedicated to develop methods for digital data copyright protection, tracing the ownership, and preventing illegal duplication or tampering. This paper introduces a methodology of robust digital watermarking based on a well-known spherical wavelet transformation, applied to 3D compressed model based on polygonal representation using a neural network. It will be demonstrated in this work that applying a watermarking algorithm on a compressed domain of a 3D object is more effective, efficient, and robust than when applied on a normal domain.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Robust Watermarking Spherical Wavelet Transformation Artificial Intelligent Multi-layer Feed Forward Neural Network Attacks Fast Fourier Transform Butterfly method Lossy Compression Bit Error Rate