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A Novel Approach to Angle based Invisible Text Watermarking with EBCDIC Coding

by Priyanka Verma, Rakhshan Anjum Shaikh, Ketki Deshmukh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 61 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Priyanka Verma, Rakhshan Anjum Shaikh, Ketki Deshmukh

Priyanka Verma, Rakhshan Anjum Shaikh, Ketki Deshmukh . A Novel Approach to Angle based Invisible Text Watermarking with EBCDIC Coding. International Journal of Computer Applications. 61, 20 ( January 2013), 33-38. DOI=10.5120/10198-4995

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Due to excessive proliferation of multimedia, security of digital data has always posed challenges to the researchers. Watermarking of digital data serves the purpose of authentication of ownership and rights of distribution of digital data. A digital watermark is a robust, secure message or a logo, embedded directly into a document; however the watermark may be visible (non blind watermarking) or invisible (blind watermarking). This paper present a new technique of embedding the watermark into the text document where the watermark is mapped as rotation of particular letters in the text based on the proposed lookup table which is prepared using EBCDIC code. The proposed scheme is a blind watermarking scheme which proves to be better in terms of imperceptibility, robustness and fidelity.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Digital watermarking copyright protection pseudo random number generator LFSR EBCDIC coding Text document