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A Novel Digital Watermarking Algorithm using Random Matrix Image

by Mahimn Pandya, Hiren Joshi, Ashish Jani
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 61 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Mahimn Pandya, Hiren Joshi, Ashish Jani

Mahimn Pandya, Hiren Joshi, Ashish Jani . A Novel Digital Watermarking Algorithm using Random Matrix Image. International Journal of Computer Applications. 61, 2 ( January 2013), 18-21. DOI=10.5120/9900-4481

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The availability of bandwidth for internet access is sufficient enough to communicate digital assets. These digital assets are subjected to various types of threats. [19] As a result of this, protection mechanism required for the protection of digital assets is of priority in research. The threat of current focus is unauthorized copying of digital assets which give boost to piracy. This under the copyright act is illegal and a robust mechanism is required to curb this kind of unauthorized copy. To safeguard the copyright digital assets, a robust digital watermarking technique is needed. The existing digital watermarking techniques protect digital assets by embedding a digital watermark into a host digital image. This embedding does induce slight distortion in the host image but the distortion is usually too small to be noticed. At the same time the embedded watermark must be robust enough to with stand deliberate attacks. There are various techniques of digital watermarking but researchers are making constant efforts to increase the robustness of the watermark image. The layered approach of watermarking based on Huffman coding [5] can soon increase the robustness of digital watermark. [11] Ultimately, increasing the security of copyright of protection. The proposed work is in similar direction where in RMI (Random Matrix Image) is used in place of Huffman coding. This innovative algorithm has considerably increased the robustness in digital watermark while also enhancing security of production.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Digital Watermarking Random Matrix Image Image Processing Embedding Extraction