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Optimization of Function by using a New MATLAB based Genetic Algorithm Procedure

by G. N. Purohit, Arun Mohan Sherry, Manish Saraswat
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 61 - Number 15
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: G. N. Purohit, Arun Mohan Sherry, Manish Saraswat

G. N. Purohit, Arun Mohan Sherry, Manish Saraswat . Optimization of Function by using a New MATLAB based Genetic Algorithm Procedure. International Journal of Computer Applications. 61, 15 ( January 2013), 1-5. DOI=10.5120/10001-4212

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%A Manish Saraswat
%T Optimization of Function by using a New MATLAB based Genetic Algorithm Procedure
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As the applications of systems are increasing in various aspects of our daily life, it enhances the complexity of systems in Software design (Program response according to environment) and hardware components (caches, branch predicting pipelines). Within the past couple of years the Test Engineers have developed a new testing procedure for testing the correctness of systems: namely the evolutionary test. The test is interpreted as a problem of optimization, and employs evolutionary computation to find the test data with extreme execution times. Evolutionary testing denotes the use of evolutionary algorithms, e. g. , Genetic Algorithms (GAs), to support various test automation tasks. Since evolutionary algorithms are heuristics, their performance and output efficiency can vary across multiple runs, there is strong need a environment that can be handle these complexities, Now a day's MATLAB is widely used for this purpose. This paper explore potential power of Genetic Algorithm for optimization by using new MATLAB based implementation of Rastrigin's function, throughout the paper we use this function as optimization problem to explain some key definitions of genetic transformation like selection crossover and mutation.

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  5. A. J. Chipperfield, P. J. Fleming and H. Pohlheim, "A Genetic Algorithm Toolbox for MATLAB," Proc. International Conference on Systems Engineering, Coventq, UK, 6-8 Sept 1998.
  6. Papadamou, S. and Stephanides, G. , A New Matlab-Based Toolbox For Computer Aided Dynamic Technical Trading,
  7. K. Lakhotia, M. Harman, and P. McMinn. A multi-objective approach to search-based test data generation. In Proc. 9th Annual Conf. on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO'07), pages 1098–1105, ACM, 2007.
  8. Pohlheim, H. : Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab - Documentation. Technical www. geatbx. com.
  9. A Comparison of C, MATLAB, and Python as Teaching Languages in Engineering Hans Fangohr University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Rastrigin's function Genetic Algorithm (GA)