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Review on Feature Selection Techniques of DNA Microarray Data

by Ammu P K, Preeja V
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 61 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Ammu P K, Preeja V

Ammu P K, Preeja V . Review on Feature Selection Techniques of DNA Microarray Data. International Journal of Computer Applications. 61, 12 ( January 2013), 39-44. DOI=10.5120/9983-4814

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Feature selection from DNA microarray data is one of the most important procedures in bioinformatics. The huge dimensionality of the DNA microarray data becomes a problem when it is used for cancer classification. This problem can be alleviated by employing feature selection as a preprocessing step in classification. This paper reviews some of the major feature selection techniques employed in microarray data and points out the merits and demerits of various approaches.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Microarray DNA Feature Selection Cancer classification