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Analysis of Mutation Testing Tools in Aspect Oriented Software Engineering

by Vineeta, Preeti Lochab, Abhishek Singhal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 61 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Vineeta, Preeti Lochab, Abhishek Singhal

Vineeta, Preeti Lochab, Abhishek Singhal . Analysis of Mutation Testing Tools in Aspect Oriented Software Engineering. International Journal of Computer Applications. 61, 10 ( January 2013), 24-33. DOI=10.5120/9965-4618

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Mutation testing measures the adequacy of the test suite by seeding artificial defects i. e. mutants in the program. If the mutant is not detected by the test suite, is means that the test suite is not adequate. And new test suites are added until all the mutants have been detected. AspectJ is an aspect-oriented programming language that provides the concept of pointcut and advice. In this paper we proposed different mutation testing tools, their need and manner to implement and also at last we had developed a tabular comparison of different mutation testing tools like Ajmutator, Advice Tracer, MuAspectJ and Proteum/AJ. The uses of such tools in the a testing process enhances the feasibility of using it in real software development process and helped us to reason about the current functionalities and to identify future needs. The result includes the comparison of different testing tools and a number of parameters to judge their performance.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Aspect-oriented-programming AspectJ mutation testing testing process testing tools PCD joinpoints advice weaving