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Co-operative IDS Architectures for MANETs - A Survey

by Kapil Dhamecha, Rutvik Upadhyay, Bhushan Trivedi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 61 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Kapil Dhamecha, Rutvik Upadhyay, Bhushan Trivedi

Kapil Dhamecha, Rutvik Upadhyay, Bhushan Trivedi . Co-operative IDS Architectures for MANETs - A Survey. International Journal of Computer Applications. 61, 1 ( January 2013), 39-45. DOI=10.5120/9896-4471

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There are many IDSs (Intrusion Detection System) which are working on wired networks, but for MANETs we do not find any single application that can be applied directly. Different characteristics of MANET make the conventional IDSs ineffective and inefficient for the wireless environment. MANET is a combination of nodes with limited power, bandwidth and processing capability. In MANETs, an intrusion detection task performed by a single node reduces power level drastically in no time. Because of power constraints, we have to distribute the task among several nodes so that we can uphold the power level of legitimated nodes. In this paper we evaluate different performance parameters of distributed and cooperative IDSs and we also try to figure out which parameters are detracting, such as accuracy ratio, false positive and false negative detection ratio, node mobility, type of threat model and the complexity of the algorithm etc.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Intrusion detection system (IDS) Mobile Ad-Hoc network (MANET) Co-operative architecture