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Reseach Article

Homology Modeling of Nitrogenase Iron Protein of Nitrogen Fixing Actinomycete Arthrobacter sp

by Febina Bernice Sharon, Rachel Regi Daniel
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 61 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2013
Authors: Febina Bernice Sharon, Rachel Regi Daniel

Febina Bernice Sharon, Rachel Regi Daniel . Homology Modeling of Nitrogenase Iron Protein of Nitrogen Fixing Actinomycete Arthrobacter sp. International Journal of Computer Applications. 61, 1 ( January 2013), 13-19. DOI=10.5120/9891-4457

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Nitrogenase is an important enzyme associated with nitrogen fixation. Nitrogenase iron protein (Nif H) is one of the vital genes contributing to the nitrogen fixation. Arthrobacter sp. is one of the actinomycetes fixing atmospheric nitrogen. Nitrogenase iron protein of Arthrobacter sp. was retrieved from NCBI in FASTA format and a good template was selected by Basic Local Alignment Search tool and it was found to be Azotobacter vinelandii. The modeling of 3D structure of the protein was performed by Swiss model, GENO3D and ModWeb. The modeled 3D structure was evaluated by ProSA, VERIFY3D, PROCHECK, PROVE and ERRAT. The nitrogenase iron protein 3D structure modeled by ModWeb was found to be the best reliable model based on the above mentioned evaluation. The structural dynamics were performed by WEBnm@ and elNemo. 3D structure of the nitrogenase iron protein and visualized by Rasmol.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Nitrogenase iron protein Homology modeling Arthrobacter sp. Geno 3D Mod Web Swiss model Rasmol