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Reseach Article

Text Message Collection and Processing System (TMCPS) to Facilitate Doctor and Patients

by Hira Nazir, Muhammad Samiullah
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 60 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Hira Nazir, Muhammad Samiullah

Hira Nazir, Muhammad Samiullah . Text Message Collection and Processing System (TMCPS) to Facilitate Doctor and Patients. International Journal of Computer Applications. 60, 8 ( December 2012), 47-51. DOI=10.5120/9716-4186

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title = { Text Message Collection and Processing System (TMCPS) to Facilitate Doctor and Patients },
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The purpose of this research is to develop a tool that is easy to manage by a doctor. Patient will be able to input his/ her details of disease as text message and get prescription or a token (date + number) depending on the symptoms of disease. Sometimes a patient cannot give extra details about his/ her symptoms on the spot, don't want to move physically for taking the number and time for checkup or the doctor becomes tired of listening to the patients. Moreover, there are doctors whose listening power are weak and cannot listen well. The text message collection centre will be a best solution to the above mentioned problems. The server will generate a report containing bar chart of patient's text messages sent to doctor(s) and a table containing patient id, patient name, patient mobile number, patient address, patient text message, doctor's code, and doctor's name. The text messages sent by different patients via Short Message Service (SMS) will be collected by a server. The server will accept only those text messages which contain valid doctor's code of a registered patient. We focused too much on software components and development rather than hardware components.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Extraction SMS Token Mobile Station GSM modem