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A Survey on Bandwidth Guaranteed Routing Techniques in Wireless Mesh Networks

by Jobin S Thomas, Noufidali V M, Felix Arokya Jose
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 60 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Jobin S Thomas, Noufidali V M, Felix Arokya Jose

Jobin S Thomas, Noufidali V M, Felix Arokya Jose . A Survey on Bandwidth Guaranteed Routing Techniques in Wireless Mesh Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 60, 5 ( December 2012), 11-15. DOI=10.5120/9687-4124

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A Wireless Mesh Network is defined as an infrastructure network working with in as ad hoc mode. In a multi-hop wireless mesh network, it is always preferable to choose a path with higher throughput between a pair of source /destination nodes to fully exploit the network capacity. Since Wireless Mesh Networks have emerged as a practical solution for the wireless extension of the broadband internet, finding high throughput path is important. This paper surveys the different routing approaches for wireless mesh network that using bandwidth as routing metric. It discusses the problem statement, approach and the result obtaining on these methods.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


WMN ASWP MHEB CAB interference clique