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JADE based Virtual Checker to Avoid Plagiarism in MOOC’s

by Gaurav Shah
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 60 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Gaurav Shah

Gaurav Shah . JADE based Virtual Checker to Avoid Plagiarism in MOOC’s. International Journal of Computer Applications. 60, 16 ( December 2012), 20-27. DOI=10.5120/9776-4353

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The MOOC's (Massive open online classes) have ushered in a new era of learning overcoming the boundaries of time and geography to provide high quality education to masses who cannot afford university education. The major drawback however is that although they have best tried to capture classroom environment but facets such as teacher-student interaction and the usefulness of assignments as a source for enhanced understanding of subject matter have not been captured. Also it has led to plagiarism, which not only is a serious hazard but is also staining the otherwise excellent image the MOOC's could have had. In this paper we propose a JADE based multi-agent system(MAS) as an effective step to solve the problem of plagiarism. The system has considered 2 types of plagiarism namely local and internet-based plagiarism. This will be used to filter out the students caught in plagiarism and students who come out clean will then have their solutions checked by using LEXICAL ANALYSIS to determine the styling and subjected to tests as well as code-checker to check for logical and syntactical correctness.

  1. Multi-Agent Systems in a Computational Environment of Education: A Chatterbot Case Study by, André F. M. Batista, Maria G. B. Marietto, Gislene C. O. Barbosa, Robson S. França and Emerson A. Noronha Federal University of ABC – Center of Mathematics, Computation and Cognition Santo André, São Paulo - Brazil
  2. Impact of Multi-Agents in Hospital Environment by, Mijal Mistry,Dr. Dipti Shah
  3. Building a Truly Distributed Constraint Solver with JADE by, Ibrahim Adeyanju School of Computing, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK
  4. Designing scenario in Virtual Knowledge Communities using the JADE Framework by, Studienarbeit:von, Julien Subercaze
  5. Compilers - Principles Techniques and Tools by Alfred Aho - Monica Lam- Ravi Sethi- Jeffrey Ullman - Second Edition
  6. Developing Multi-Agent Systems with JADE - Fabio Luigi Bellifemine, Giovanni Caire, Dominic Greenwood
  7. jade tutorial jade programming for beginners, Copyright (C) 2009 Telecom Italia S. p. A.
  8. JADE architecture (www. jade. tilab. com)
  9. Lexical analyzer (http://www. cs. nyu. edu/courses/fall06/ G22. 2130–001/class–notes. html)
  10. pattern matching algorithms (http://bIochem218. stanford. edu/Projects%202007/Ng. pdf; http://cs. fit. edu/~wds/classes/algorithms/Text/text)
  11. m4 macro for file splitting (http://davin. 50webs. com/ research/2008/sjcfimsf. html)
  12. Boyer-Moore algorithm (http://www–igm. univ–mlv. fr/~ lecroq/string/node14. html#SECTION00140)
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Virtual Checker MOOC's