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Blind Detection Method for Video Inpainting Forgery

by Sreelekshmi Das, Gopu Darsan, Shreyas L, Divya Devan
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 60 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Sreelekshmi Das, Gopu Darsan, Shreyas L, Divya Devan

Sreelekshmi Das, Gopu Darsan, Shreyas L, Divya Devan . Blind Detection Method for Video Inpainting Forgery. International Journal of Computer Applications. 60, 11 ( December 2012), 33-37. DOI=10.5120/9739-4290

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title = { Blind Detection Method for Video Inpainting Forgery },
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%A Divya Devan
%T Blind Detection Method for Video Inpainting Forgery
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Video forgery , also referred as video falsifying, is a technique for generating fake videos by altering, combining or creating new video contents. Exemplar-based inpainting technique can be used to remove objects from an image/video and play visual tricks, which would affect the authenticity of videos. In this paper, a blind detection method based on zero-connectivity feature and fuzzy membership function is proposed to detect the video forgery. Firstly, the forged video is converted into frames, then zero-connectivity labelling is applied on block pairs to yield matching degree feature for all blocks in the forged region and construct ascending semi-trapezoid membership for computing fuzzy membership function. Finally, the tampered regions are identified using a cut set.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Video forgery Exemplar-based inpainting Zero-connectivity labelling Fuzzy Membership cut set