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Contourlet Transform for Iris Image Segmentation

by Behrooz Zali-vargahan, Mehdi Chehel Amirani, Hadi Seyedarabi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 60 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Behrooz Zali-vargahan, Mehdi Chehel Amirani, Hadi Seyedarabi

Behrooz Zali-vargahan, Mehdi Chehel Amirani, Hadi Seyedarabi . Contourlet Transform for Iris Image Segmentation. International Journal of Computer Applications. 60, 10 ( December 2012), 41-44. DOI=10.5120/9732-4209

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The aim of this paper is improving the iris segmentation with the Contourlet transform. At first iris segmentation performed by canny edge detector and Hough Transform. By this approach some images don't segmented properly, so we want to find a way to correct the image segmentation failures. Before applying edge detector, Contourlet transform applied for image denoising. By this approach, %100 accuracy rate in iris image segmentation is obtained. Denoised image with Contourlet transform a little blurred. After image denoised and image segmented, for keep basic quality of the image, corresponded basic image and the segmented image. So, segmentation will be right on the main image.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Canny edge detector Contourlet transform Hough transform iris recognition iris segmentation