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Algorithm for generating test case for prerequisite of software requirement

by Ravi Prakash Verma, Bal Gopal, Md Rizwan Beg
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 6 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Ravi Prakash Verma, Bal Gopal, Md Rizwan Beg

Ravi Prakash Verma, Bal Gopal, Md Rizwan Beg . Algorithm for generating test case for prerequisite of software requirement. International Journal of Computer Applications. 6, 9 ( September 2010), 11-15. DOI=10.5120/1104-1447

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Requirements play an important role in conformance of software quality, which is verified and validated through software testing. Requirements may have certain pre requisites which are to be tested first in order to start formal testing process. In this paper we present an approach to generate test case for testing software requirement pre requisites for GUI. Our approach takes pre requisites expressed in natural language and generates test cases from it. It also generates test case to expose the relationship between various components and elements present in prerequisites of GUI based windows forms.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Software testing Requirement prerequisite Test case generation