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Article:Modified HLR-VLR Location management scheme in PCS network

by Rajeev R. Kumar Tripathi, Sudhir Agrawal, Swati Tiwari
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 6 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Rajeev R. Kumar Tripathi, Sudhir Agrawal, Swati Tiwari

Rajeev R. Kumar Tripathi, Sudhir Agrawal, Swati Tiwari . Article:Modified HLR-VLR Location management scheme in PCS network. International Journal of Computer Applications. 6, 5 ( September 2010), 47-51. DOI=10.5120/1072-1401

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title = { Article:Modified HLR-VLR Location management scheme in PCS network },
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%A Swati Tiwari
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This paper proposes a modified version of conventional HLR/VLR scheme for improving the location management in PCS network. The conventional HLR/VLR scheme suggests that when a mobile terminal (MT) moves from one LA to another LA which is served by different VLR, it registers itself with new VLR along with HLR, at the same time HLR deregisters the mobile terminal from the old VLR and acknowledges the receipt of the message to new VLR. The modified version proposes that there is no requirement of deregistering of mobile terminal from old VLR at the same time when MT registers at new VLR and so message transmission cost and database overload can be reduced. Numerical analysis is done for both conventional and modified version and compared together. The numerical results are promising and a significant total cost reduction is obtained with proposed scheme.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Location Management Mobility Management PCS HLR/VLR approach deregistration