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ICT in Universities of the Western Himalayan Region of India: Study of Networks, Performance and Efficiency

by Dhirendra Sharma, Vikram Kumar, Vikram Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 6 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2010
Authors: Dhirendra Sharma, Vikram Kumar, Vikram Singh

Dhirendra Sharma, Vikram Kumar, Vikram Singh . ICT in Universities of the Western Himalayan Region of India: Study of Networks, Performance and Efficiency. International Journal of Computer Applications. 6, 10 ( September 2010), 10-15. DOI=10.5120/1111-1455

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This paper presents a comparative study of performance and efficiency of various networks commissioned on different campuses of six universities in the western Himalayan region of India, within the framework of B- Node theory and its abstraction given by Cikara et al (2006). It has been done in three phases: i) The data handling capacity per user in the respective network has been presented and discussed in terms of the throughput of the core-switch and the efficiency of the network. ii) Using the efficiency parameters given by Cikara et al, for different nodes, efficiency of different networks have been found and compared among each other. iii) Finally, the segment/ component-wise efficiencies were measured for the real network system on the H.P. University campus, as a typical case, using JPerf software tool, which are compared with those given by Cikara et al. It was found that coupling factors play a vital role in the measurement of efficiency of the networks.

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  3. Tanenbaum, A., Computer Networks, Upper Saddle River, N.J., Prentice Hall, 4th Edition, 2003
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  10. Sharma, Dhirendra and Singh Vikram, ICT in Universities of the. Western Himalayan Region of India: Networking and Architecture Design- A Comparative Study. IJAEA, June Vol 1. 2010.
  11. Sharma Dhirendra and Singh Vikram (2007), Campus wide Networking in H.P.University, Shimla, A Live Project, proceedings.
  12. Sharma. Dhirendra and Singh Vikram (2010), “ICT in Universities of the Western Himalayan Region of India II: A Comparative SWOT analysis” IJCSI Vol 7, issue 1, No 3, pp 62-72, January 2010.
  13. (for downloading Jerf Softpware tool)
  14. Veal, D., G. Kohli, S. P. Maj and J. Cooper (2005). A Framework for a Bandwidth Based Network Performance Model for CS Students. 2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition "The Changing Landscape of Engineering and Technology Education in a Global World", Portland, Oregon.
  15. Bjornsen,A., in IT Networking in Higher Education; Campus Network, Ch 4, ECAR Research Study 2 (2005) page 31, and references therein.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Throughput core switch performance efficiency B-node theory