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Automatic Recognition of Handwritten Bengali Broken Characters (BBC): Simulating Human Pattern Matching

by Manas Ranjan Nayak, Saswat Nayak, Yetirajam Manas, Sangeeta Bhanja Chaudhuri, Subhagata Chattopadhyay
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 59 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Manas Ranjan Nayak, Saswat Nayak, Yetirajam Manas, Sangeeta Bhanja Chaudhuri, Subhagata Chattopadhyay

Manas Ranjan Nayak, Saswat Nayak, Yetirajam Manas, Sangeeta Bhanja Chaudhuri, Subhagata Chattopadhyay . Automatic Recognition of Handwritten Bengali Broken Characters (BBC): Simulating Human Pattern Matching. International Journal of Computer Applications. 59, 9 ( December 2012), 27-32. DOI=10.5120/9578-4055

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This paper presents an automatic detection of handwritten Bengali Broken Characters (BBC) using a feed forward neural network (FFNN). It simulates the Human Visual System (HVS) the way human eye matches the patterns of the broken characters to a meaningful character and identifies it. Here the challenge is to detect and retrieve handwritten character which has been distorted up to 90%. The database consists of fifty bangle characters, each with twenty samples. Each character is presented as an image, which has been preprocessed, segmented and the features are then extracted. A new method has been proposed in this paper. It uses FFNN to calculate the mismatch for the recognition of a character, where it is observed that the distorted characters show very low mismatch with the original characters. For example, characters up to 70% distortions are found to be retrieved effectively.

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  42. S. Chattopadhyay, P. Kaur, F. A. Rabh, U. R. Acharya "An Automated System to Diagnose the Severity of Adult Depression". In the proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (CSI EAIT-2011), 19-20th February Kolkata India, (Editors - Jana D. , and Pal P. ), pp. 121-124. Publishers: IEEE Computer Society and Conference Publishing Services IEEE Xplore.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Image processing Neural network Feature extraction Distorted Bengali characters