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Low Power High Speed 16x16 bit Multiplier using Vedic Mathematics

by R. K. Bathija, R. S. Meena, S. Sarkar, Rajesh Sahu
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 59 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: R. K. Bathija, R. S. Meena, S. Sarkar, Rajesh Sahu

R. K. Bathija, R. S. Meena, S. Sarkar, Rajesh Sahu . Low Power High Speed 16x16 bit Multiplier using Vedic Mathematics. International Journal of Computer Applications. 59, 6 ( December 2012), 41-44. DOI=10.5120/9556-4016

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title = { Low Power High Speed 16x16 bit Multiplier using Vedic Mathematics },
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%T Low Power High Speed 16x16 bit Multiplier using Vedic Mathematics
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High-speed parallel multipliers are one of the keys in RISCs (Reduced Instruction Set Computers), DSPs (Digital Signal Processors), and graphics accelerators and so on. Array multiplier, Booth Multiplier and Wallace Tree multipliers are some of the standard approaches used in implementation of binary multiplier which are suitable for VLSI implementation. A simple digital multiplier (henceforth referred to as Vedic Multiplier in short VM) architecture based on the Urdhva Tiryakbhyam (Vertically and Cross wise) Sutra of Vedic Mathematics is presented. An improved technique for low power and high speed multiplier of two binary numbers (16 bit each) is developed. An algorithm is proposed and implemented on 16nm CMOS technology. The designed 16x16 bit multiplier dissipates a power of 0. 17 mW. The propagation delay time of the proposed architecture is 27. 15ns. These results are many improvements over power dissipations and delays reported in literature for Vedic and Booth Multiplier.

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  3. Dr. K. S. Gurumurthy, M. S Prahalad "Fast and Power Efficient 16×16 Array of Array Multiplier using Vedic Multiplication",
  4. M. Ramalatha, K. Deena Dayalan, P. Dharani, S. Deborah Priya," High Speed Energy Efficient ALU Design using Vedic Multiplication Techniques ", ACTEA 2009
  5. Abhijit Asati and Chandrashekhar "A High-Speed, Hier-archical 16×16 Array of Array Multiplier Design", IMPACT 2009.
  6. Kevin Biswas, "Multiplexer Based Array Multipliers," A Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Windsor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Apr. 2005.
  7. Himanshu Thapliyal and Hamid R. Arabnia, "A time area power efficient multiplier and square architecture based on ancient Indian Vedic mathematics, www. vedicmathsindia. org.
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Vedic Multiplier Urdhva Tiryakbhyam CMOS Technology Power Dissipation Propagation Delay