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Image Recognition using Coefficient of Correlation and Structural SIMilarity Index in Uncontrolled Environment

by Avneet Kaur, Lakhwinder Kaur, Savita Gupta
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 59 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Avneet Kaur, Lakhwinder Kaur, Savita Gupta

Avneet Kaur, Lakhwinder Kaur, Savita Gupta . Image Recognition using Coefficient of Correlation and Structural SIMilarity Index in Uncontrolled Environment. International Journal of Computer Applications. 59, 5 ( December 2012), 32-39. DOI=10.5120/9546-3999

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The goal of this paper is to analyse and improve the performance of metrics like Coefficient of Correlation (CoC) and Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) for image recognition in real-time environment. The main novelties of the methods are; it can work under uncontrolled environment and no need to store multiple copies of the same image at different orientations. The values of CoC and SSIM get changed if images are rotated or flipped or captured under bad/highly illuminated conditions. To increase the recognition accuracy, the input test image is pre-processed. First, discrete wavelet transform is applied to recognize the image captured under bad illuminated and dull lightning conditions. Second, to make the method rotation invariant, the test image is compared against the stored database image without and with rotations in the horizontal, vertical, diagonal, reverse diagonal and flipped directions. The image recognition performance is evaluated using the Recognition Rate and Rejection Rate. The results indicate that recognition performance of Correlation Coefficient and SSIM gets improved with rotations and discrete wavelet transform. Also it was observed that CoC with proposed modifications yield better results as compared to state of the art enhanced Principal Component Analysis and Enhanced Subspace Linear Discriminant Analysis.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Image Recognition Discrete Wavelet Transforms Correlation Coefficient Structural Similarity Index Metrics