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Encryption of Compressed MultiMedia Data

by Mohammad Jafarabad, Mahnaz Rafie, Samira Khodkari, Zahra Alizadeh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 59 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Mohammad Jafarabad, Mahnaz Rafie, Samira Khodkari, Zahra Alizadeh

Mohammad Jafarabad, Mahnaz Rafie, Samira Khodkari, Zahra Alizadeh . Encryption of Compressed MultiMedia Data. International Journal of Computer Applications. 59, 19 ( December 2012), 51-55. DOI=10.5120/9814-2845

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title = { Encryption of Compressed MultiMedia Data },
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%A Samira Khodkari
%A Zahra Alizadeh
%T Encryption of Compressed MultiMedia Data
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%I Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA

To send multimedia data over an insecure communicational network with limited bandwidth, we need an organized management for creating and sending information. So far, there have been a few methods proposed from the combination of compression with symmetric encryption, for sending these files. In this paper, using pipeline compression with implementation upon Huffman algorithm, instead of usual compression, is proposed. Moreover, instead of utilizing symmetric encryption algorithms with a low level of security, the public key encryption algorithms are used. The chosen asymmetric encryption algorithm, for implementing some operations on multimedia data, is similar to RSA encryption and uses the ab mod m expression to generate the key. Moreover, in this paper there has been a circuit proposed with the goal of increasing the speed of the located multiplier in this mathematical expression. Also, considering the existence of the adder in encryption multiplication circuit, and compression circuit, the use of an special adder is recommended for improving the speed of these parallel multimedia computations.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Multimedia data multiplication compression asymmetric encryption coding