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An Ensemble Approach for Credit Card Fraud Detection

by A. Prakash, C. Chandrasekar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 59 - Number 19
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: A. Prakash, C. Chandrasekar

A. Prakash, C. Chandrasekar . An Ensemble Approach for Credit Card Fraud Detection. International Journal of Computer Applications. 59, 19 ( December 2012), 1-6. DOI=10.5120/9797-4259

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title = { An Ensemble Approach for Credit Card Fraud Detection },
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The most important moral issue in the credit card trade is fraud involvement. The main aspires are, primarily, to recognize the different types of credit card fraud, and, secondly, to evaluate unconventional techniques that have been used in fraud detection. The sub-aim is to present, compare and examine recently published discovering in credit card fraud detection. Credit card fraud detection has developed a number of techniques via bunch of investigate interest and, with special importance on, data mining and distributed data mining have been recommended. In our existing research we proceeded with the semi hidden markov model (SHMM) where we got efficient result in credit card fraud detection. That is also having a larger class of practical problems that can be properly modeled in the setting of SHMM. Also major constraint is found, conversely, in mutually HMM and SHMM, i. e. , it is generally imagined that there survives at least one observation connected with every state that the hidden Markov chain takes on. To improve the efficiency of SHMM in our proposed research we are combining the multiple observation of SHMM called Multiple Semi Hidden Markov Model (MSHMM) through this we can improve the detection accuracy better than the SHMM. Our suggested methods of combining multiple learned fraud detectors under a "cost model" are common and obviously useful; our experimental results make obvious that we can significantly reduce loss due to fraud through distributed data mining of fraud models.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Hidden Markov Model Semi Hidden Markov Model Multiple Semi Hidden Markov Model Distributed Data Mining Credit card