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Modified PSO: A Bio-inspired Algorithm for Color and Gray Level Enhancement

by Sarbjeet Singh, Ankita Pandey, Paramjeet Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 59 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Sarbjeet Singh, Ankita Pandey, Paramjeet Singh

Sarbjeet Singh, Ankita Pandey, Paramjeet Singh . Modified PSO: A Bio-inspired Algorithm for Color and Gray Level Enhancement. International Journal of Computer Applications. 59, 13 ( December 2012), 27-33. DOI=10.5120/9609-4240

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%A Ankita Pandey
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%T Modified PSO: A Bio-inspired Algorithm for Color and Gray Level Enhancement
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The use of modified version of PSO had declared the optimum solutions and act as remedy incase of particle stagnation. Traditional PSO lost its identity due to impact and strength of MPSO. Recent literatures show how modified particle swarm had achieved its name and fame over its parental algorithm called as PSO by optimizing. In this paper we exploit its advantage over image enhancement for improving image contents. This makes handy for visualizing the information from enhanced images. Work deal with use of parameterized transformation and objective function for local/global information and entropy/edge information respectively by modified PSO. Quality of Image is controlled by scaling factor and helps us in situation like gamut. Enhancement is wide study and we had attempted to use MPSO for this field. Results clearly visualize the effect of color image enhancement and gray scale level enhancement.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


HIS color space CIE GLE MPSO