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Identification of Flagellated or Fimbriated Bacterial Cells using Digital Image Processing Techniques

by P. S. Hiremath, Parashuram Bannigidad, Soumyashree S. Yelgond
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 59 - Number 12
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: P. S. Hiremath, Parashuram Bannigidad, Soumyashree S. Yelgond

P. S. Hiremath, Parashuram Bannigidad, Soumyashree S. Yelgond . Identification of Flagellated or Fimbriated Bacterial Cells using Digital Image Processing Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications. 59, 12 ( December 2012), 12-16. DOI=10.5120/9599-4223

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issue_date = { December 2012 },
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%A Parashuram Bannigidad
%A Soumyashree S. Yelgond
%T Identification of Flagellated or Fimbriated Bacterial Cells using Digital Image Processing Techniques
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The objective of the present study is to develop an automatic tool to characterize the morphology of bacterial cells in digital microscopic cell images. Geometric shape features are used to identify the morphological characteristics, namely, flagella and fimbriae or pili of bacterial cells. The current methods rely on the subjective reading of cell profiles by a human expert based on the various manual staining methods for visualization of these characteristics. In this paper, an automatic method is proposed for bacterial cell characterization based on their morphological characteristics by segmenting digital bacterial cell images and extracting geometric shape features that define cell morphology. The experimental results are compared with the manual results obtained by the microbiology expert and, thus, demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Bacterial cell image analysis flagellum fimbriae bacterial cell morphology digital image analysis edge detection