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Word Effect of Temperature, the Lighting, Workload, Noise against Eye Fatigue, General Fatigue and Stress Affect Learning Outcomes the Student Computer Users

by I Ketut Wijaya
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 58 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: I Ketut Wijaya

I Ketut Wijaya . Word Effect of Temperature, the Lighting, Workload, Noise against Eye Fatigue, General Fatigue and Stress Affect Learning Outcomes the Student Computer Users. International Journal of Computer Applications. 58, 5 ( November 2012), 26-30. DOI=10.5120/9280-3470

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Working with a computer is done in the time period long enough. Computers are the best medium currently in appearance and way of working, because computers can assist in completing the work more quickly, efficiently and very easy to use. With the convenience offered by computers, almost all of the work can be done with a computer. The computer is a needs in supporting the work and a good communication tool. Computers is useful in life, but can also cause problems for users, can affect the computer user's health. Using of the computer can cause eye fatigue, general fatigue and stress, due to not understanding in determining the temperature, light, the eye distance to the computer and work load in the room. To be able to know due to computer use like the eye fatigue, general fatigue, stress and to the increase learning outcomes, research is done with a sample 15 of people with the same subject design. In this study sought differences a variable before and after the repair is done by performing a recalculation on temperature and light intensity for get standardized conditions. Standard conditions obtained are expected to reduce complaints: eye fatigue, a common complaint, workload and stress to improve learning outcomes. The difference in the data before and after the repair, the analysis is done using independent-sample t-test (t-test group), at the 5% significance level. After a redesigned on the environmental temperature is obtained decreases the standard cold temperatures people Indonesia work, of were condition originally 28. 00 degrees C be 25. 83 degrees Celcius, illumination of 110 lux to 246. 67 lux. Distance from the eye to the computer 48. 267 be 66. 300 cm. Eye fatigue decrease by 60%, general fatigue decreased by 44. 1% and job stress decreased 60% so that occur increase in the learning outcomes by 18%. It can be concluded that due to the improvements made to the environmental standards can reduce Eyestrain and stress in work.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Computers Complaint Learning Outcomes the Student