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A Survey on: Emotion Recognition with respect to Database and Various Recognition Techniques

by Sachin Pande, Spurti Shinde
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 58 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Sachin Pande, Spurti Shinde

Sachin Pande, Spurti Shinde . A Survey on: Emotion Recognition with respect to Database and Various Recognition Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications. 58, 3 ( November 2012), 9-12. DOI=10.5120/9260-3434

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title = { A Survey on: Emotion Recognition with respect to Database and Various Recognition Techniques },
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Recognition and extracting various emotions and then validating those emotions from the facial expressions has become important for improving the overall human computer interaction. This paper reviews the literature on different aspects like different theories of emotions, methods for studying different images in the databases, different action units like outer brow raisers where the frontals and pars medal's facial muscles are studied. The paper reviews comparative techniques for automatically recognizing facial actions in sequences of images. The goal of this research is to show the comparison with Other AU Recognition Systems Comparison of selected facial expression recognition technique with different approaches on JAFFE database and Cohn-Kanade database. To study and evaluate their performance, using JAFEE and Cohn Kanade database. The basic five principal emotions to be recognized are: Angry, Happy, Sad, Disgust and Surprise along with neutral. Their recognition rate is obtained on all the facial expressions and observed comparatively.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Face recognition technique Action units JAFEE Database Emotions Emotion detection Cohn Kanade database