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IK-PSO, PSO Inverse Kinematics Solver with Application to Biped Gait Generation

by Nizar Rokbani, Adel M Alimi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 58 - Number 22
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Nizar Rokbani, Adel M Alimi

Nizar Rokbani, Adel M Alimi . IK-PSO, PSO Inverse Kinematics Solver with Application to Biped Gait Generation. International Journal of Computer Applications. 58, 22 ( November 2012), 33-39. DOI=10.5120/9432-3844

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This paper describes a new approach allowing the generation of a simplified Biped gait. This approach combines a classical dynamic modeling with an inverse kinematics' solver based on particle swarm optimization, PSO. First, an inverted pendulum, IP, is used to obtain a simplified dynamic model of the robot and to compute the target position of a key point in biped locomotion, the Centre Of Mass, COM. The proposed algorithm, called IK-PSO, Inverse Kinematics PSO, returns and inverse kinematics solution corresponding to that COM respecting the joints constraints. In This paper the inertia weight PSO variant is used to generate a possible solution according to the stability based fitness function and a set of joints motions constraints. The method is applied with success to a leg motion generation. Since based on a pre-calculated COM, that satisfied the biped stability, the proposal allowed also to plan a walk with application on a small size biped robot.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Biped robotics Gait generation Particle Swarm Optimization Inverse kinematics. Inertia weight PSO