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Evaluation and Application of Package Level Metrics in Assessing Software Quality

by Vinay Singh, Vandana Bhattacherjee
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 58 - Number 21
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Vinay Singh, Vandana Bhattacherjee

Vinay Singh, Vandana Bhattacherjee . Evaluation and Application of Package Level Metrics in Assessing Software Quality. International Journal of Computer Applications. 58, 21 ( November 2012), 38-46. DOI=10.5120/9410-3877

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Today almost all the software industries are overloaded with the maintenance work of already developed software. When any new demand of software arrives, company matches the new problem with the existing product, so that the new product can be easily developed with some new modification in existing products. The reuse of the existing product is only possible when it is measured accurately and efficiently for a longer period. In this paper, first we will calculate the class level metrics viz. CBO, RFC, WMC etc for the entire package then we will calculate the average value for each class level metric (selected) by dividing the value for each metric from the total number of classes for each package. The new resultant metrics are named as CBOavg, RFCavg, WMCavg and so on. The importance of these metrics is to accurately measure the complexity at package level. We then map these package level class metrics with the quality attributes and finally validate these metrics upon three open source projects i. e. Jedit, FreeCS and Llamma chart. Data extraction has been done through an automated tool JHawk and analysis of data has been done using SPSS 10. 0 as statistical tool.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Quality model Object Oriented Attributes Quality Attributes Package metrics