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A Comprehensive Study of Google Wallet as an NFC Application

by Omkar Ghag, Saket Hegde
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 58 - Number 16
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Omkar Ghag, Saket Hegde

Omkar Ghag, Saket Hegde . A Comprehensive Study of Google Wallet as an NFC Application. International Journal of Computer Applications. 58, 16 ( November 2012), 37-42. DOI=10.5120/9369-3825

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title = { A Comprehensive Study of Google Wallet as an NFC Application },
journal = { International Journal of Computer Applications },
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month = { November },
year = { 2012 },
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The advent of Near Field Communication (NFC) has given rise to several interesting applications under short-range radio technology. Perhaps the most exciting of these is card emulation. Launched in September 2011 [23], the "Google Wallet" application is one of the frontrunners of this technology. More than a year after its launch, there is clearly much interest in the commercial potential of mobile wallets by a variety of organizations in the communications and financial industries and beyond. This paper describes the working of NFC and contactless smartcards along with a brief introduction to the said mobile payment system. It also provides an evaluative study on the operation and performance of Google Wallet. A comparative study of Mobile Payment Solutions is also elucidated. Past and existing vulnerabilities of the system are discussed in detail along with noteworthy examples of infiltrations. The significant threat vectors to an NFC enabled mobile device are also examined with practical attack scenarios. Additionally, safeguards that the Wallet currently uses are evaluated. The paper is concluded by pondering on if and when such systems will become as ubiquitous as the physical wallet. For the reader's reference, the phrase "Google Wallet" in this paper refers to Google Wallet version R79v5 as of September 2012.

  1. RFID standards used by NFC: "Technical specifications" NFC Forum. retrieved
  2. Phones supporting Google wallet: "Google wallet Google + post. " Retrieved
  3. Phones supporting Google wallet: "Sprint Galaxy S III arrives with Google Wallet on June 21 post". Engadget. June 4, 2012. Retrieved June 4, 2012
  4. Ross, P. E. SPECTRUM IEEE Volume: 49, Issue 6 Digital Object Identifier: 10. 1109/MSPEC. 2012. 6203971 Publication Year: 2012, Page(s): 60 - 63
  5. What is Fuzzing?: http://www. americanbanker. com/issues/177_138/google-wallet-still-dogged-by-security-perception-1051012-1. html?pg=2
  6. Vulnerabilities demonstrated at Zvelo: http://zvelo. com/blog/entry/google-wallet-security-pin-exposure-vulnerability?q=/blog/entry/google-wallet-security-pin-exposure-vulnerability
  7. Security Vulnerabilities at Accuvent: http://media. blackhat. com/bh-us-12/Briefings/C_Miller/BH_US_12_Miller_NFC_attack_surface_WP. pdf
  8. Attack on unrooted devices: http://thesmartphonechamp. com/second-major-security-flaw-found-in-google-wallet-rooted-or-not-no-one-is-safe-video/
  9. Eavesdropping attack: http://www. forbes. com/sites/andygreenberg/2012/01/30/hackers-demo-shows-how-easily-credit-cards-can-be-read-through-clothes-and-wallets/
  10. Customary failure of transaction completion: http://rootzwiki. com/topic/31572-google-wallet-failed-transactions/
  11. Payment glitches in the application: http://support. google. com/wallet/bin/answer. py?hl=en&answer=1349471
  12. Payment glitches in the application: http://support. google. com/wallet/bin/answer. py?hl=en&answer=43068
  13. Fuzzing attack procedure: http://mcafeesecurity. org. uk/misc/mcafee-warns-on-olympic-nfc-fraud-risks. html
  14. Temporary disabling of prepaid cards provision: http://googlecommerce. blogspot. in/2012/02/protecting-your-payments-with-google. html
  15. Which mediums have been invited to associate with the system?: http://techcrunch. com/2011/05/26/google-wallet-offers/
  16. What are the security safeguards used?: Le, Tony (June 1, 2011). " Google Wallet FAQ". GFan. Retrieved June 4, 2011.
  17. "Engadget Primed: What is NFC, and why do we care?"Engadget Retreived June 22, 2011
  18. What are the security safeguards used? :"Google Wallet Security". Google. Retrieved June 22, 2011
  19. What are the security safeguards used?: "MasterCard PayPass". MasterCard. Retrieved June 22,2011
  20. Attacks decribed by Haselsteiner and Klemens: http://ece. wpi. edu/~dchasaki/papers/Security%20in%20NFC. pdf
  21. Practical Attack Scenarios on Secure Element-enabled Mobile Devices-Michael Roland, Josef Langer and Josef Scaringer.
  22. Google Wallet :Privacy Google Retrieved September 20, 2011
  23. Google wallet launch: http://googleblog. blogspot. in/2011/09/launching google-wallet-on-sprint-and html
  24. Susceptibility of android to malware: http://www. ieee-security. org/TC/SP2012/papers/4681a095. pdf
  25. Google wallet applications: http://www. google. com/wallet/how-it-works/online. html
  26. Google wallet applications: https://developers. google. com/commerce/
  27. Google wallet free to use: http://www. google. com/wallet/faq. html
  28. Compensation for application users: http://www. droid-life. com/2012/03/20/google-wallet-team-you-can-add-prepaid-cards-again-we-tossed-in-5-to-apologize-for-the-last-few-weeks/
  29. Cloud based version of Google wallet: http://googlecommerce. blogspot. in/2012/08/use-any-credit-or-debit-card-with. html
  30. Phasing out of google wallet prepaid card: https://www. google. com/wallet/prepaid-refund/
  31. What type of cards are added to Google wallet?: http://support. google. com/wallet/bin/answer. py?hl=en&topic=1349429&answer=2701024
  32. Direct transfer of registered card information: https://wallet. google. com/termsOfService
  33. Retail chains shops accepting Google wallet: http://www. google. com/wallet/how-it-works/in-store. html#merchant-matrix
  34. Operation of Google wallet: http://www. google. com/wallet/how-it-works/
  35. The only carrier using Google wallet currently: Sprint http://www. google. com/wallet/current-partners. html
  36. Wireless carriers signed by ISIS mobile payment system: http://www. paywithisis. com/get-isis. xhtml
  37. What is "unsupported device message"?: http://www. droid-life. com/2012/03/05/google-wallet-now-showing-as-unsupported-on-rooted-devices/
  38. Cards stored in Google wallet: http://support. google. com/wallet/bin/answer. py?hl=en&answer=1611356
  39. Vulnerabilities in the application: https://viaforensics. com/mobile-security-category/forensics-security-analysis-google-wallet. html
  40. Applets used in Google wallet: http://nelenkov. blogspot. in/2012/08/exploring-google-wallet-using-secure. html
  41. Why launch of ISIS has been delayed?: http://uk. reuters. com/article/2012/09/13/business-us-mobilepayments-isis-idUKBRE88C1CN20120913
  42. Jack, William; Suri, Tavneet (August, 2010). [www. mit. edu/~tavneet/MPESA. pdf The Economic of M-PESA,]Change
  43. Google unveils safety measure for their upcoming mobile wallet: - http://www. qrcodepress. com/googleunveils-safety-measure-for-their-upcoming-mobile-wallet/853399/
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Google Wallet Near Field Communication Smart Card Attacks Security