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Fuzzy Cost based Power Aware QoS Routing Protocol with Mobility Prediction in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

by M. Marimuthu, A. Kannammal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 58 - Number 15
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: M. Marimuthu, A. Kannammal

M. Marimuthu, A. Kannammal . Fuzzy Cost based Power Aware QoS Routing Protocol with Mobility Prediction in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 58, 15 ( November 2012), 27-30. DOI=10.5120/9360-3696

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Fuzzy Cost Based Power Aware QoS Routing (FCPAQR) protocol proposed to select an optimal path by considering multiple independent QoS metrics. Fuzzy inference rule which is used to calculate the QoS based fuzzy cost of each link to forward the data packets effectively and efficiently. Fuzzy cost is calculated based on various QoS Constraints. QoS constraints can be classified as Time Constraint (Delay and Jitter), Space Constraint (System Buffer), Frequency Constraint (System Bandwidth) Reliability Constraint (Error rate) [9]. Link Expiry Time(LET) and Energy Level are also additionally taken into account. Considering multiple QoS Constraints provide better result than taking single constraint into account.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Routing Fuzzy logic QoS metrics