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Software Quality Estimation using Machine Learning: Case-based Reasoning Technique

by Ekbal Rashid, Srikanta Patnaik, Vandana Bhattacherjee
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 58 - Number 14
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Ekbal Rashid, Srikanta Patnaik, Vandana Bhattacherjee

Ekbal Rashid, Srikanta Patnaik, Vandana Bhattacherjee . Software Quality Estimation using Machine Learning: Case-based Reasoning Technique. International Journal of Computer Applications. 58, 14 ( November 2012), 43-48. DOI=10.5120/9354-3687

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Software quality estimation is one of the most interesting research areas in the domain of software engineering for last few decades. Large numbers of techniques and models have already been worked out in the area of error estimation. The aim of software quality estimation is to identify error prone tasks as the cost can be minimized with advance knowledge about the errors and this early treatment of error will enhance the software quality. In this paper we have explored a set of data in university setting. This paper advocates the use of case-based reasoning (i. e. , CBR) to make a software quality estimation system by the help of human experts. CBR relies on historical information from similar past projects, whereby similarities are determined by comparing the projects, and key attributes. We have used different similarity measures to find the best method which increases estimation accuracy & reliability. This paper presents a work in which we have expanded our previous work [24]. The software is a console based application and thus does not use the GUI functions of the Operating System, which makes it very fast in execution. In order to obtain results we have used an indigenous tool for software quality estimation, run in c++ compiler.

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  24. Ekbal Rashid, Srikanta Patnaik, Vandana Bhattacherjee "A Survey in the Area of Machine Learning and Its Application for Software Quality Estimation" has been published in ACM SigSoft ISSN 0163-5948, volume 37, number 5, September 2012, http://doi. acm. org/10. 1145/2347696. 2347709 New York, NY, USA.
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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Software Quality estimation CBR Analogy Similarity measure Machine learning Error