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Reseach Article

Critical Analysis of Traditional Size Estimation Metrics for Object Oriented Programming

by Meenakshi Kandpal, Anmol Kandpal
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 58 - Number 13
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Meenakshi Kandpal, Anmol Kandpal

Meenakshi Kandpal, Anmol Kandpal . Critical Analysis of Traditional Size Estimation Metrics for Object Oriented Programming. International Journal of Computer Applications. 58, 13 ( November 2012), 39-45. DOI=10.5120/9345-3669

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title = { Critical Analysis of Traditional Size Estimation Metrics for Object Oriented Programming },
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The accuracy of an estimate is always questionable. Lots of efforts have been put to make an estimate more accurate. In case of a software project, the accuracy of estimate is dependent on the correctness of size estimation. Size is a critical factor in determining cost, schedule, and effort. Poor size estimation may lead to budget overruns and late deliveries, which decreases the confidence of customer and erodes the image of developer. Traditional size estimation methods generally used are source lines-of-code, function point, object points etc. However, traditional size metrics have limitations and are not compatible with newer rapid prototyping and object-oriented approaches of software development. This paper critically analyzes the lacunas of traditional methods and introduces Object oriented metrics for effective size estimation for Object Oriented Software.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Traditional Software Metric Object Oriented Metric size attributes