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On Fuzzy Soft Right Ternary Near-Rings

by A. Uma Maheswari, C. Meera
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 57 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: A. Uma Maheswari, C. Meera

A. Uma Maheswari, C. Meera . On Fuzzy Soft Right Ternary Near-Rings. International Journal of Computer Applications. 57, 6 ( November 2012), 26-33. DOI=10.5120/9119-3276

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title = { On Fuzzy Soft Right Ternary Near-Rings },
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The first step towards near-rings was an axiomatic research done by Dickson in 1905. In 1936, it was Zassenhaus who used the name near-ring. Many parts of the well established theory of rings are transferred to near-rings and new specific features of near-rings have been discovered. To deal with the idea of near-rings using ternary product Warud Nakkhasen and Bundit Pibaljommee have applied the concept of ternary semiring to define left ternary near- rings, ternary subnear-rings and their ideals and investigated some properties of L-fuzzy ternary near subrings in 2012. In this paper, we consider right ternary near-rings and their ideals and apply fuzzy soft set technology initiated by Maji et al in 2001 to introduce fuzzy soft right ternary near-rings, fuzzy soft ideals and study their basic algebraic properties.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Fuzzy soft set ideals homomorphism level set of fuzzy soft set near-ring