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Power and Time Efficient Structural Cloud for Hierarchical Peer to Peer Networking

by R. A. Karthika, A. Shajin Nargunam
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 57 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: R. A. Karthika, A. Shajin Nargunam

R. A. Karthika, A. Shajin Nargunam . Power and Time Efficient Structural Cloud for Hierarchical Peer to Peer Networking. International Journal of Computer Applications. 57, 4 ( November 2012), 32-38. DOI=10.5120/9105-3244

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Cloud computing is a promising profitable infrastructure framework that assures to eradicate the requirement for sustaining expensive computing facilities by companies and institutes alike. Information systems supported on the cloud computing and peer-to-peer (P2P) model are now receiving popularity. In the cloud computing form, a cloud of servers sustain few clients with different types of service like Web pages and databases. On the other hand, each computer is peer and there is no centralized system is maintained in the P2P model. It is getting further important to confer how to decrease the computational time and power consumption, multi task handling in distributed Hierarchical P2P (HP2P) network for cloud computing to achieve maximum potentiality. To minimize the time and power consumption in cloud computing environment, the proposed work considers a Web and FTP application on cloud based P2P distributed network. To start with, evaluated the process of identifying level of each server peer consuming power and task execution time to perform web requests from client peers. The document which has to be shared are clustered and shared efficiently among the different systems in the cloud computing environment. The hierarchical peer distribution process is initiated to evolve power and time efficient algorithm for client peers to select server peer in a collection of server peers with satisfied constraint on deadline task response time. The experimental evaluation of the performance of Cloud Computing Services (CCS) including Amazon EC2, which is presently the main commercial cloud are evaluated in terms of F-measure, entropy, number of documents attached to distributed peers, participated peer node ID.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud computing P2P network distributed hierarchical model similarity clustering cloud computing services