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Mobile Client’s Access Mechanism for Location based Service using Cell-ID

by Gurjeet Kaur, Monika Sachdeva, Navdeep Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 57 - Number 22
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Gurjeet Kaur, Monika Sachdeva, Navdeep Singh

Gurjeet Kaur, Monika Sachdeva, Navdeep Singh . Mobile Client’s Access Mechanism for Location based Service using Cell-ID. International Journal of Computer Applications. 57, 22 ( November 2012), 42-49. DOI=10.5120/9424-3842

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title = { Mobile Client’s Access Mechanism for Location based Service using Cell-ID },
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Today's location-sensitive service relies on user's mobile device to determine its location and send the location to the application. A location-based service is a service that determines the location of a mobile device and uses this to provide functionalities and information specific to that location. With the growth of the importance and of the audience of location-based services, questions of security and privacy are brought forward. As services are being built on top of this technology, the number of parties increases significantly, and the possibility of a malicious insider (or a misbehaving insider) emerges. The extent to which the parties care to trust each other has reduced, and trust amongst the various parties can no longer be assumed by a location-based service. An attacker may try to steal a service (e. g. , claiming to be a client to get free internet access), service providers may gain of private information. There should be a proper authentication mechanism between client and server to access the services. By considering some important factors like Cost, Energy Efficiency, we have proposed an Access Mechanism in which mobile Phone Users will send request for some services from server. Firstly Location Verification is done; server verifies the User's Mobile Phone's location against authorized location. After User/Device Authentication is done, server checks User/Device Identification. If both conditions are true, server will grant access to the users for services and resources.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Location Based Services Cell-ID IMEI number IMSI number Android LAC