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Eurygaster Algorithm: A New Approach to Optimization

by Fariborz Ahmadi, Hamid Salehi, Khosro Karimi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 57 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Fariborz Ahmadi, Hamid Salehi, Khosro Karimi

Fariborz Ahmadi, Hamid Salehi, Khosro Karimi . Eurygaster Algorithm: A New Approach to Optimization. International Journal of Computer Applications. 57, 2 ( November 2012), 9-13. DOI=10.5120/9084-2611

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Almost all of the approach to solve NP-hard and NP-complete problem simulate artificial life. In this research, the behavior of eurygaster life is studied, so according to their life the new algorithm is introduced. In spite of PSO algorithm, that is used to solve continuous nonlinear functions, researchers' algorithm is so suitable to solve both continuous and discrete functions. Eurygasters attack to grain farms and distributed over them. It is worth to mention that these insects attack to farms in groups furthermore each group colonizes in one farm. It is observed that after periods of time all of the farms in a region are occupied by these groups of eurygasters. When each group of these insects are going to seek a farm to feed on it, they consider nearly all the farms and settles on a farm which have a lowest distance with them and doesn't have any group of eurygasters. It is clear that by distributing several groups of eurygasters, depending on the problem size, on search space of problem, the solution of the problem can be extracted. In this research, using the behavior of eurygasters, a new algorithm has been invented and has been tested on graph partitioning. The evaluation results show the advantage of researcher algorithm over ancient ones like genetic and PSO.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Evolutionary Computation genetic algorithm particle swarm optimization eurygaster algorithm evolutionary programming