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Building a Trust Model for Generating and Validating Assurance Keys Between Consumers in E-Commerce

by Sharfi M. Abbass, Othman Bin Ibrahim, M. S. Farag
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 57 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Sharfi M. Abbass, Othman Bin Ibrahim, M. S. Farag

Sharfi M. Abbass, Othman Bin Ibrahim, M. S. Farag . Building a Trust Model for Generating and Validating Assurance Keys Between Consumers in E-Commerce. International Journal of Computer Applications. 57, 1 ( November 2012), 17-25. DOI=10.5120/9077-0718

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%J International Journal of Computer Applications
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This study investigates trust building among members of virtual communities (VC) as an effective way in E-Commerce from the consumer-to-consumer (C2C) perspective. So it reviews studies in E-Commerce, which focus on trust building in the other party. It also reviews websites operating in the same area, the most common of which is eBay; it relies on trust in the other party in the payment method of PayPal, which accepts credit cards. However, this method has a number of limitations, including that fact that online registration does not verify if the user is the owner of the card; thus, it renders the consumer entirely untrustworthy. As a result, this paper attempts to provide a more trusted method that ensures to identity the other party by building a database of trusted third parties (TTP), based a new algorithm for generating and validating assurance keys (AK's) to all consumers in the world. The AK is saved as the name of the image of the consumer in the database image-DB file of the TTP, and using the AK in the verification of the consumer when making a sale or purchase.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Assurance keys (AK's) consumer to consumer (C2C) E-Commerce trusted third party (TTP) building trust