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Protecting Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks against a Local Eavesdropper – A Survey

by Chinnu George, Dhinakaran Nathaniel
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 56 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Chinnu George, Dhinakaran Nathaniel

Chinnu George, Dhinakaran Nathaniel . Protecting Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks against a Local Eavesdropper – A Survey. International Journal of Computer Applications. 56, 5 ( October 2012), 25-27. DOI=10.5120/8888-2889

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%T Protecting Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor Networks against a Local Eavesdropper – A Survey
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This paper presents the review of the existing privacy techniques in wireless sensor networks (WSN). There are two main categories of privacy preservation in WSN. They are data privacy and the context privacy. This paper presents the context privacy. In context privacy we focus on location privacy. Location privacy is defined as the location of the events. Location privacy is thus of the utmost importance. Failure to protect the physical location can cause loss of the information and subvert the entire network. Thus protection of the physical location is needed at data source and the data sink. Suppose we take the scenario of the panda – hunter where in sensors are being deployed in the forest to monitor the endangered pandas. The adversary is quite efficient to monitor the panda and capture the panda. So an analysis of the existing techniques against a local eavesdropper is being presented. This paper should be helpful for the research in privacy preservation in WSN in the future work.

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