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Fly Over the Clouds or Drive Through the Crowd: A Cloud Adoption Framework in Action

by Eman M. Ezzat, Doaa S. Elzanfaly, Mostafa A. Mostafa
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 56 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Eman M. Ezzat, Doaa S. Elzanfaly, Mostafa A. Mostafa

Eman M. Ezzat, Doaa S. Elzanfaly, Mostafa A. Mostafa . Fly Over the Clouds or Drive Through the Crowd: A Cloud Adoption Framework in Action. International Journal of Computer Applications. 56, 4 ( October 2012), 1-8. DOI=10.5120/8876-2856

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Flying over the clouds or driving through the crowd, to work in an auto-managed and scalable environment or to get overwhelmed with the management as well as the development techniques and costly resources. That is a common problem facing most small to medium sized organizations. Cloud computing has been a breakthrough recently helping in the emergence of new resources, management, and services sharing between users and providers. With the consideration of the quality of services as a crucial factor for evaluating any service, the decision of adopting the new cloud techniques or remain in premise is one of the problems that faces the decision makers. The work proposed in this paper concentrates on surveying and studying the cloud among different professionals' perspectives and researches to be able to determine the most important and common aspects that affect the decision of cloud adoption. Furthermore, it considers in action the quality of services that are proposed to be the most effective while deciding. The factors determined are classified and used to set the infrastructure of building a full framework to facilitate the user's adoption decision. An evaluation model is proposed as well to measure the efficiency of the framework within real life.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud computing Cloud adoption quality of service measurements factors