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An Advanced Door Lock Security System using Palmtop Recognition System

by Kawser Wazed Nafi, Tonny Shekha Kar, Sayed Anisul Hoque
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 56 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Kawser Wazed Nafi, Tonny Shekha Kar, Sayed Anisul Hoque

Kawser Wazed Nafi, Tonny Shekha Kar, Sayed Anisul Hoque . An Advanced Door Lock Security System using Palmtop Recognition System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 56, 17 ( October 2012), 18-26. DOI=10.5120/8983-3008

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title = { An Advanced Door Lock Security System using Palmtop Recognition System },
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issue_date = { October 2012 },
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Biometric technology is used to identify a person based on his/her physical behavioral characteristics. One of the extensive uses of biometric technology is a fingerprint recognition system. The technology has broad use mainly for its easiness, reliability and accuracy in human identification process. This paper presents work done on minutiae based palmtop recognition system for automatic door open and locking system. Here, the palmtop recognition system works by taking an image of the person, partitioning it, processing it and finally verifying the person. This system provides input for an electric circuit. The circuitry system consists of two unique states; door open and door lock. The whole system basically uses extensive Image processing for minutiae based palmtop recognition. Thus reducing the probability of error in human recognition and solves maximum problems of fingerprint recognition. This paper shows a better solution for recognizing people, which helps to solve security related problems in human life.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Biometric recognition Fingerprint recognition Minutiae extraction Palmtop recognition