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Reseach Article

Energy-Efficient Scheduling Scheme for Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing

by Shailesh S.Deore, Ashok Narayan Patil
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 56 - Number 10
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Shailesh S.Deore, Ashok Narayan Patil

Shailesh S.Deore, Ashok Narayan Patil . Energy-Efficient Scheduling Scheme for Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 56, 10 ( October 2012), 19-25. DOI=10.5120/8926-2999

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title = { Energy-Efficient Scheduling Scheme for Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing },
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%T Energy-Efficient Scheduling Scheme for Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing
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A Cloud Computing is subscription-based service where we obtain networked storage space and computer resources. Technologies such as cluster, grid, and now cloud computing are decide allowing access large amounts computing power in fully, para-virtulized manner by amassed resources i. e. virtual machines to consumer. Cloud computing denotes energy efficiency in all components of computing systems that is hardware, software, local area network. Energy computing has to achieve manifold objectives of energy consumption and utilization improvement for computing paradigm that are not pay-per-use such as cluster and grid revenue maximization as another metric for cloud computing architecture. Microsoft Corporation provides Joule meter tool to measuring energy of computing software devices, for researcher to observe energy conservation and consumption [10],[14]. This paper we proposed Energy-Efficient Scheduling Scheme call EESS for virtual machines that distribute maximum workload on minimum number of virtual machine's so less amount of energy consume, to test the scheme cloud environment created using VirtualBox.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Virtual machine request virtual machine energy Workload EESS VM VM request power.