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An Access Control Model for Avoiding Outsourcing Risks

by A. Meligy, H. Diab, M. Torky
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 55 - Number 9
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: A. Meligy, H. Diab, M. Torky

A. Meligy, H. Diab, M. Torky . An Access Control Model for Avoiding Outsourcing Risks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 55, 9 ( October 2012), 25-33. DOI=10.5120/8784-2756

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Although the security Outsourcing companies can provide several security services to its customer organizations, but the customer organizations should avoid Outsourcing security risks which emerge from providing security services to the customers through open environments or malicious behaviors which the security providers at Outsourcing companies may carry out. For this problem we propose a new methodology represented in a security design model which combine Cryptography and Access Control techniques to prevent the external security providers of an Outsourcing company to access the sensitive data assets of the customer organizations. We could achieve the realism of this methodology through a proposed algorithm in MATLAP Language. Using our new access control model, the customer organizations can control and manage the external access rights of security providers of specific Outsourcing Company which the customer organization communicated with it

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Outsourcing Security Providers Encryption /Decryption access control Two layer encryption model access policy changes AES algorithm MATLAP Language