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PromChoq: A Multicriteria Decision Aid Method for Actions Ranking

by Saddek Benabied, Salsabile Goucem, Hakim Bendjenna
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 55 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Saddek Benabied, Salsabile Goucem, Hakim Bendjenna

Saddek Benabied, Salsabile Goucem, Hakim Bendjenna . PromChoq: A Multicriteria Decision Aid Method for Actions Ranking. International Journal of Computer Applications. 55, 6 ( October 2012), 45-52. DOI=10.5120/8763-2682

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Ranking available actions or alternatives with respect to multiple, often conflicting criteria is a problem of a major interest in information and engineering. Methodologies for addressing this problem have been developed from a variety of research disciplines. An investigation of existing methods shows that most existing methods suffer various drawbacks. These shortcomings include the non consideration of interactions or dependencies between criteria. To avoid it, we present in this paper, a multicriteria decision aid method for alternatives ranking called PromChoq. PromChoq is based on Promethee method, a well known multicriteria outranking method. To consider interaction between criteria, we introduce Choquet integral and ?-fuzzy measure. In order to facilitate to decision maker using PromChoq, we developed a tool which supports its main concepts. Finally, to exploit our contribution and to show its effectiveness, an empirical study of a real selection problem (teacher's selection in recruitment test) in the University of Tebessa in Algeria is presented.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


multicriteria decision analysis ranking problem PROMETHEE ?-fuzzy measure Choquet integral candidate selection