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Dynamic and Distributed Indexing Architecture in Search Engine using Grid Computing

by M. E. Elaraby, M. M. Sakre, M. Z. Rashad, O. Nomir
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 55 - Number 5
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: M. E. Elaraby, M. M. Sakre, M. Z. Rashad, O. Nomir

M. E. Elaraby, M. M. Sakre, M. Z. Rashad, O. Nomir . Dynamic and Distributed Indexing Architecture in Search Engine using Grid Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 55, 5 ( October 2012), 34-42. DOI=10.5120/8754-2657

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%T Dynamic and Distributed Indexing Architecture in Search Engine using Grid Computing
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Search engines require computers with high computation resources for processing to crawl web pages and huge data storage to store billions of pages collected from the World Wide Web after parsing and indexing these pages. The indexer is one of the main components of the search engine that come intermediate between the crawler and the searcher. Indexing is the process of organizing the collected data to facility information retrieval and minimizes the time of query. Indexing requires huge processing and storage resources, and the indexing has a high effect on the performance of the search engine, this effect differs based on the structure and the process index construction. Distribution of the indexing process over a cluster of computers in grid computing will improve the performance through distributing the parsing load over a number of computers in a grid environment, and distributing the indexed data over distributed memory according to terms over a number of computers remotely. Due to the search engine data collections with frequent changes, the indexer require dynamic indexing. So the merge of the distributed and dynamic indexing in architecture over grid computing will give a better performance utilizing the available resources without need to computers with high cost such as supercomputers.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Indexer World Wide Web Search engine Grid Computing Web pages Secondary index Main index Alchemi Manager Executor