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MAIZ: A web Mashup Application for Information services to citiZens during Disaster Situations

by Pablo Pancardo, Miguel A. Wister, Francisco Acosta
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 55 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: Pablo Pancardo, Miguel A. Wister, Francisco Acosta

Pablo Pancardo, Miguel A. Wister, Francisco Acosta . MAIZ: A web Mashup Application for Information services to citiZens during Disaster Situations. International Journal of Computer Applications. 55, 3 ( October 2012), 1-8. DOI=10.5120/8732-2590

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title = { MAIZ: A web Mashup Application for Information services to citiZens during Disaster Situations },
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In this paper is presented an information system based on Web Mashup application for offering various information services in disaster situation (floods). This system will allow damaged citizens wearing mobile devices to discover services such as: emergency shelters and housing, flooded neighborhood, collection centers, river level, red cross, flood-damaged roads, jammed roads, and so on; these citizens could be suffering from crisis due to flood damage. We consider the possibility of designing an information system based on Web Mashup application to make use of several contents retrieved from external data sources and maps to create services for guiding people who cannot be found by their families, rescuing injured people, helping people who need to be rescued from their inundated homes, moving people to hospitals or emergency shelters, and other available services near their current location. The aim of this work is to propose a framework based on existing services to able to support a complete set of services to alert people in risk situation, help and rescue people affected by a natural disaster. This is the main difference with related works such as those been proposed in the context of Katrina flood in New Orleans.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Ambient Intelligence Wireless Networking Web Services